Friday, 10 November 2017

Do You Want Someone to Quit Smoking???

क्या आप किसी व्यक्ति को धूम्रपान  छुड़ाना चाहते हैं???

Today young generation looks smoking as the status symbol and starts consuming cigarettes and slowly they get habituals of it. Some of them become chain smokers as well.

The most popular type of substance that is smoked is tobacco in the cigarettes. Tobacco used in cigarettes have mixture of aerosol particles and gasses and include the pharmacologically active alkaloid nicotine.  Smoking is one of the leading causes of preventable death globally.

Here are some common problems caused by smoking and damage your loved one’s health:
  • Increases risk of heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure
  • Increases risk of cancers of your body organs like lung, bladder, pancreatic etc.
  • Smoker’s body may get risk of diabetes
  • Increase the risk of heart disease and depression
  • Affects mental capacity and lose of memory
  • Increases likelihood of impotence & reduces fertility
  • Increases risk of depression in adolescents
  • Smoking deaths
If you want that to someone to quit smoking then read and share this article.

According to the government instructions it is compulsory to print cancer affected lungs picture on the cigarette packet with the warning messages like "Tobacco is Injurious to Health" or "Smoking Kills" but still people don't quit it.

Here are quit smoking techniques which would help to Quit smoking:

Make determination in your mind to quit

Nothing is impossible in this word, you should be determined in your mind. Think about your family and make a decision your own. Give quit smoking timeline to you.

Choose a quit date or occasion

You may fix a date/Occassion for quitting smoking. Quitting in good mood always works.  Occassion may be yours or your partner's birth date, your anniversary date, New Year etc. 

Prepare a list of all things you like about smoking

Simply note down all things you like about smoking. You will your self find out that other than problems its not having any benefits. Think yourself that how to successfully stop smoking?

Then make another list of challenges by asking "if i quit smoking"

List down points that why quitting is not easy for your? Then you may find some alternates for those negatives.

Alternatives for chain smokers 

In some cases by giving up cigarettes some alternatives are required. e-Cigarette or nicotine gum are some options for it. These are far less harmful for addicts than smoking. But slowly you may also quit it. 

Stop buying cigarettes packets

As soon as you will stop buying in bulk it will reduce your consumption and help to quit cigarettes.

Let people/friends know that you have Quitted

If you will share with your friends that you have already quitted then they will also not offer you these things. Also share with them that how quitting smoking improved your health.

Think of challenges you faced in the past

I am not denying that you will not face difficulties after quitting. But you may think about things you have done in the past and faced difficulties and you came overcome from those situations with yourself or with the help of your life partner. So you will also come out of the situation which you will face immediately after quitting the smoking.

Find a healthy snack food you can carry with you

Always carry healthy snacks with you, when ever your mind will think about smoking eat those snakes. These may be dry fruits like almonds, pistachios, cardamom etc. You may also switch to a cup of green tea whenever you usually have a cigarette.

Collect all the money you’re saving on cigarettes in a Box

Last but not the least what ever you will save by weekly/monthly; collect that money in a big box and after 4-5 months go for outside dinner with your partner / beloved / family. It will also make your family relationships stronger. 

So its time to take decision to choose a healthy life or a paralysis life. 

Please Like article at the bottom of the post and share it with as many as people to make our County Smoke Free

All the best!

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