Thursday, 28 December 2017

List of Baby Boy Names with their Meanings

Baby 'Gopal' meaning Lord Krishna

To understand someone, a meeting is necessary. We cannot detect the person's personality without meeting anyone. It is a social and normal aspect of any person, but according to astrology, there is also a mode; which can be understood by anyone's personality. One such method is to knowing the person's first letter and finding out his personality.

It is believed that a person's personality is reflected in his name. Also names have a significant effect on the kids / child development and personality. Many people also believe that speaking negative creates negative energy and speaking positive creates a positive energy around babies.

Every name has their own meaning so while keeping name of the baby; parents should take care about its meaning as well. By taking the name of a child for years that will develop their personality traits according to the meaning for his name.

List of Baby Boy Names with their Meanings

Below alphabets provide you list of latest, modern and cute baby boy names with their meanings. Provided Indian hindu boy names contains some modern names as well. We are having collection of names i.e. modern, latest, Indian, Hindu names with their meanings to help parents to choose it for their cute baby boy. Click on alphabets to see the list of baby names with that letter:

A   B  C  D  E  F  G  H   I   J  K   L  M

N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z

If you also want to know meaning of your name then you are at the correct page. Click above on the first letter of your name to find out the meaning of it.

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