In today's competitive world no parent want to compromise with their kids development things. In the childhood its responsibilities of parents to help to develop brain power of their kids.
Here is the simple question to just check how many people can answer this question. Students who are preparing for competitive exams they should keep maintaining their IQ level. This article will help them to maintain/increase their IQ level.
Answer of above question is 19.
keep in sequence:
[9-6][9+6] => [6][13] => 613
[8-5][8+5] => [3][13] => 313
[5-4][5+4] => [1][9] = 19
Here are 10 Tips which will help you to increase yours or your kid's IQ level:
Eat healthy food
Eat healthy food to make your brain healthy. Eating too much of junk make your brain full of garbage. Follow a strict diet chart to make your brain healthy.
Do regular meditation
Human mind always works it also required relex to charge up. Meditation reduces stress; It improves concentration; It encourages a healthy lifestyle. The practice increases self-awareness. It increases happiness. Combination of all these strengths your memory and brain power.
Regular morning walk
If you add 25-30 minutes of normal walking to your daily routine, you could burn a lot of calories of your body. Your brain remain safe from the junk layers of issues. Morning walk also gives you fresh pollution free air and helps to develop your brain power.
Use acronym ways for learning
If you or you child faces problems in learning anything then make simple acronyms for it. Acronyms are some small daily routine life sentences. For example if you want to learn sequence of solar planets then use:
"My Very Educated Mom Just Served Us Nuts"
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
Listen music
Keep habit to listen some mild music. Study says listening of mild music for minimum 15 mins a day helps your mind waves to wake-up.
Keep doing practice
This quote is very true "Practice Makes Man Perfect". A regular practice helps your mind to develop. If you start working on anything it seems to be tough but with the regular practice you get expertise of that and your mind create more ideas to do things in more simple ways. This trick helps students to get success in their life.
Play brain games
Now as days there are may brain games available in the market you can play these games it helps in developing IQ level.
Referral study
Students should not stop their thoughts. If any query/question raise up then they must take help from their teachers/parents/friends to guide them. They may refer some study material for resolving their queries. As much your brain will think about any thing your concept will be more clear. I will say that no one is having IQ level more than GOOGLE Search Engine. If you want to search on any topic every thing is available in fractions of seconds in front of you.
Good listener
Be a good listener, think, analysis and then ask. Keeping patience is also a trait of good listener. When you analysis things in your mind then your mind will develop otherwise you will always depend on other's mind to think and explain you. You start thinking.
Relate things
When you will start thinking then your mind will link things itself. You mind's linkage tissues will develop. You will be successful in those areas as will for which you never studied but those are linked with what you have already studied or done.
Do regular meditation
Regular morning walk
Use acronym ways for learning
Listen music
Keep doing practice
Play brain games
Referral study
Good listener
Relate things
All the Best!
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