Mother to her child with good touch |
क्या आपने अपने बच्चों को "गुड टच, बैंड टच" का कांसेप्ट सिखाया है?
In our daily routine we hear or read in the media about the child abuse and molestation. It is a fact that millions of girls and boys worldwide are being sexually abused by the some one known persons. The culprit can be anyone who exploits the child's vulnerability to gain sexual desire. It includes mental, physical and emotional abuse of a child. They do it via sexual acts, gestures and disposition.Most of the time target young children are of the age 6-8 years; who are so young to understand what is going to happen. Its right time to wake-up for all parents and time to teach our kids this “Good Touch, Bad Touch” concept. As sexually abusing starts with bad touch so we need to make our children understand the difference between both kinds of touches. We should teach them what actions they need to do when anyone try to make bad touch to them. [Also read: "How to Become Perfect Parents???"]
Even it is very difficult to make our child understand the real situation but we can give them this concept in very simple manner in which they can understand. Follow below mentioned advices to teach your young kids:
Friendship with your kids
Make you kids as your friend and ask your kid to share each and every thing during their daily routine activities. While going to school in the Van / Bus. During school hours and returning back to home whenever you were not with them. By this way they will be habitual of sharing their things with you and you can also get find out if there is any suspicious activities is happening during their day and you can let them guide correct and wrong thing.Explain about private parts
You should explain your kids that which body parts are their private parts. You can teach them with simple language. For example you can say them if you wear a swimming costume then the body parts which are under then costume are your private parts. No one have permission to see or touch it except your parents / grand-parents while giving you bath or cleaning your body.Good touch concept
You need to explain good touch concept to your kids. If any kind of touch which gives you happy or pleasant feeling those are good touch. For example if you parents / grand parents hugs you or give you good night kiss on your forehead then you feel happy or caring.Bad Touch concept
When anyone touches you in the way that you feel uncomfortable and unpleasant then that it is bad touch. For example if someone pinch you, touches your private body parts, threaten you, sits you on their lap etc.Actions required
Explain to your kids what actions they should take when they feel that anyone giving them bad touch.- Say ‘NO’: Directly say ‘NO’ to the person who is touching badly to their body.
- Yell loudly: What they do when they see any cockroach? They just cry loudly and someone from your dear most [parents] comes to save them. Like the same way when some give bad touch then just cry loudly. Someone near to you can come to help and will save you.
- Share with your parents: Ask them to share all things with your parents specially when anyone threaten you to not to share/say anyone of their doings.
You always can't be with them. For the betterment and protection of our kids we must share this concept with them. We should not feel hesitate to take up and speak with them on these kinds of sensitive topics. Teachers should also teach this concept to their students in the school.
All the best!
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