Monday, 20 November 2017

Did You Donated Your Old and Untrendy Cloths???

क्या आपने भी अपनी पुरानी और बेकार चीजें दान दी हैं??? [Click here to read in Hindi] 

Every one would like to be looking fashionable. We purchase new cloths for ourselves or for our kids, things to decorate our homes frequently.  We wish to buy new trendy cloths, accessories etc. to look different than others. Time changes and in this highly changeable fashion did you thought about those things; which you were purchased earlier and not using because these went untrendy even these are good in condition.

Most of us belong to the middle or higher-class family. It is good that you are also following the new trend because you can afford it. Old and untrendy things, which are kept in your cupboards and trunks, are useless for you but these may be useful for someone.

We are leaving in a society where you can see many lower class people like watchman, home-maid, sweeper, Laborer, car-washer etc. who earns on the daily basis and even can’t afford food for two times. Many NGOs [Non-Profit Organizations] work to help these people. But their resources are also very limited. They can’t reach to all geographic area of the country to help them even they also don’t have enough money to support all people of the society. So it’s also our moral responsibility that we should participate to help these poor people.

We can help them by they way it will also not effect your budget but it will help them. You can donate following things; which will help them:

1  Cloths donation

Start donating old cloths of yours and family members; which are now useless for you. You can check online where to donate cloths near to you? Some NGOs also provides donation pick up facility.

2. Your kids’ old toys

Kids' get bored with toys soon and they never play again so instead of storing it just donate it. Poor children who can't even think to buy these kind of toys will be happy to play with it.

3. Donate old school uniform

Poor children can reuse uniform which are now unfit for your kids.

4. Donate old shoes

In cold season poor people can also use old shoes donated by you. So do it instead filling your shoe racks. 

5.  Donate food

Like on festivals someone gives you sweets as gift but you don’t consume it due to some reason. Donate it instead of it would be spoil and waste.

6. Donate money

Donate money only through the valid resources like NGOs so that it will be utilized for actually needed people. Never give money to children begging on the red lights or in front of food courts etc. It will make them habitual to always beg things from otherd. Government also having provision of tax rebate on donations whenever one donates money to the recognized organizations/institutions.

7. Power of One

Many organizations like HCL Technologies has taken responsibilities for this kind of social work and they are running many programs. One of their programs is 'Power of One'. In this program its optional for all employees to contribute only a single Rupee/day to donate in the fund; which would be use for slum area's lower class people and children. It also does not put burden on an individual's pocket. If you are owner of any organization then you can also initiate this kind of programs in your organization.

8.  Donate for people affected by natural calamities

We can't control over nature. Every year these natural calamities also effects many areas and people's life. Many lose their home as well as wealth. Here also government and NGOs can't help to all. Some organizations put donation bins to help affected peoples. You can drop used clothing, household items, shoes, candles, dry food items in these donation boxes. We should also participate in it by donating our old but usable things to help affected people.

Try to make donation as habit. When you will donate then poor who really need it will give you blessings while every time of using it. When you will see these poor children wearing your kids’ old cloths believe me you will feel proud and happy.

Share article to your friends and relatives so that they can also participate in this social work.

All the Best!

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